
9th December

9th December

9th December- advent

Its the 9th December and it’s a Saturday…which means one thing: time to chill

Today is a well deserved rest day so no advent challenge today. Although if you have missed a day or two, use it to catch up.

Rest days are important to let your body recover. But even on a rest day, some gentle movement can really help. It’s called active recovery.

So today, when you’re spending time with your family and friends, see if you can do some of the following:

Walk as much as possible – in the fresh air is even better. Get wrapped up and head into the outdoors. Good for your body and soul. 

Dance around the living room to some Christmas music. Guaranteed to leave you feeling happy and full of energy!

Get the house clean from top to bottom. Do it in your workout clothes and it’ll make you work so much harder. 

Go Christmas shopping. Going in and out of shops, battling crowds, walking around for ages hunting for presents…sounds pretty horrific but it is good for getting moving!

Have some chill time. Hot bath, snuggle in front of the fire with a cup of tea, read a book…do whatever floats your boat and enjoy it.