support-get fit-lose weight

Support squad

Support squad

Making changes to your lifestyle and trying to get fit and healthy is hard. It’s even harder if you’re doing it on your own. Surround yourself with people that support, motivate and cheer you on and you’ll find it so much easier.

Quite often when you try to improve your diet or fitness levels, you’ll find those around you can be split into two camps: those that support you in every way (your cheerleaders); and those who, often without realising it, try to lead you astray (your saboteurs).


Cheerleaders are worth their weight in gold. They are full of admiration for what you are doing and they do everything they can to keep you going. If you need support or a little shove in the right direction, they are there for you.


Unfortunately, for many of us, saboteurs are a lot more common. Do these sound familiar?:

‘One biscuit won’t hurt…

‘Live a little, you’ve got so boring!

‘Life is too short not to eat cake!’

Even if it isn’t deliberate, it just isn’t helpful. Losing weight or trying to make changes to your lifestyle is tricky enough without your nearest and dearest trying to tempt you every step of the way.

Kickstart Community

It is exactly why  I created a closed Facebook group as part of my 8 week Kickstart Programme. Having a group of ladies who are going through exactly the same thing makes it a million times easier. I am always on hand to answer questions and give support and so is everyone else. It is like being permanently surrounded by cheerleaders for the entire 8 weeks and beyond.

This support is the sort of thing that is much easier to show than talk about. Here are just a few snapshots from the group:

If you fancy becoming part of our community, then click here and check out all the info. Be amazed at what you can achieve when you have constant support!