
Exercise, exercise, exercise!

Exercise, exercise, exercise!

Which exercise is the best?

One of the main questions I get asked is about which kind of exercise is ‘best’. Best for weight loss, best for fitness, best for strength?…

But actually there isn’t an answer to this because mixing it up as much as possible is what will benefit you and your body most. All exercise is good. In fact any kind of movement is good. Move as much as possible, all day every day.

A lot of people end up doing the same routine over and over. Let’s face it, it’s easier in lots of ways and requires much less thinking and organisation. But whilst this is still fab in lots of ways – it beats doing nothing – they won’t necessarily see the results they want.


Your body is very efficient. If you do the same things each week, your body will know what to expect and it will learn the quickest and easiest way of doing it. Each time it gets easier and your body has to use less calories. If you mix it up, it keeps your body guessing. It never knows what is coming so it doesn’t have a chance to get used to it.

Plus, doing a variety of different sessions stops the dreaded boredom kicking in. As soon as you feel bored doing something, change it. Otherwise you’ll just be going through the motions…or, even worse, you’ll stop altogether.

This is why I designed my 8 week Kickstart programme. I wanted to show the impact variety can have. Within the 8 weeks, you have 5 workouts each week. 2 bootcamps, 1 cardio, 1 interval and 1 stretch and relax. The bootcamps are different every time and as you go through the 8 weeks, all sessions gets a little longer and harder. They keep pushing your body so you get the progress you want.

I encourage you to mix it up as much as possible too: take the cardio session into the swimming pool; get that bike out the shed; do your bootcamp session outside. Variety not only gets you better results but it is more enjoyable. You won’t get bored…and you never know, you might even enjoy it!

Have a go now!

Do you fancy trying a bootcamp session with me? Click on the following link and you can get a taster bootcamp session sent straight to your inbox now. You’ve got it to try whenever you like. Give it a go and let me know how you get on!

Or head over the the Kickstart page for all the information on my 8 Week Online Programme! Just click here!