
Diet and fitness – top tips to success

Diet and fitness – top tips to success

Making the decision to improve your diet and get fit can seem daunting. In fact, the thought of complete overhaul may be putting you off before you even start.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Trying to change everything at once simply won’t work so don’t even try! Instead, read my top tips for success below and chose ONE (just one!!!) to try next week. Some are easier than others so pick the one that will be manageable for you.

The aim is to stick with one change until it becomes habit. Once it becomes second nature, then you can come back to the list and add in another.

Little by little is the way forward ladies – this is a long term change, not a short term fix.

1. Get organised and be prepared

This is the one that will have the most impact. However it is also one that will take time and effort. You need to think ahead, plan meals and do the shopping so you’ve got lots of healthy foods to hand.

2. Add portion of fruit and veg to every single meal

Guidelines now talk about having 10 portions of fruit and veg a day. Don’t get caught up on the numbers though, just add them to every meal. Fill half your plate with veggies/ salad and snack on fresh fruit or chopped up raw veggies. The more you eat, the better you’ll feel and the more you’ll want to add.

3. Write down what you eat

Filling out daily food diaries is a big part of my 8 week Online Kickstart programme. VIP clients get daily feedback and advice but I encourage my regular clients to write down everything they eat too. Most of us underestimate how much we actually eat but writing it down (and not leaving anything out) makes us accountable. Grab a nice notebook and give it a go. Try to do it as you go along as that will make you think twice about what you put in your mouth. At the end of each day look over what you’ve eaten and reflect on what is good and what could be improved. Identify one small change to try the following day (eg. eat more for breakfast).

4. Move!

Our bodies really aren’t designed to be sedentary. If you’ve got a desk job, chances are you spend more of your day sat down than moving. Moving more is so important to your health. Don’t think it means you’ve got to fit in a strict hour of exercise every day, instead look at where you can get up and add a quick burst. Set an alarm on your phone and each hour get up and walk around for a few minutes. Do a few squats or star jumps. Whatever – just move!!

In my 8 week Kickstart Programme I give my fabulous ladies 5 workouts to do each week. To begin with they are only around 20 minutes long but they are designed to work all areas of the body and tackle different types of fitness – strength, cardio and flexibility. Variety is important – it’ll stop you getting bored and it’ll keep your body guessing.

5. It is all about portion size – this is not a diet!

Go down the route of total deprivation and you won’t last long! Get out of the mindset of dieting and ‘quick fixes’. There really is no point started anything you won’t keep up. Instead, keep working on getting the balance right and watching your portion sizes. Aim to be healthy 80-90% of the time but have an occasional treat. It may take longer to get results but you are much more likely to keep it up and keep the weight off.

6. Drink water

Lots of it. More than you think you need. Keep sipping away all day, every day! Try drinking a pint about half an hour before meals…often thirst is confused with hunger. Try not to drink too much whilst eating/ just after though because too much water affects digestion process. Water will help your body work at it’s best, keep your skin clear and your eyes bright. It really is the ‘miracle’ drink. Don’t underestimate it!