
Weight- time to step off the scales!

Weight- time to step off the scales!

Weight…it’s how most of us track our progress. The scales can be our best friend and our worst enemy. We’ve all been there, that moment of hope when we step on, only to be brought crashing down when the numbers haven’t changed or, even worse, crept up.

Enough is enough ladies! Scales really aren’t the best way and it is about time we ditched them for good.

Why weight is not best measure of progress:

Muscle weighs more than fat

Here is a picture of 1lb of fat compared to 1lb of muscle:


Look at how much space the fat takes up compared to the muscle.  It’s why you can be heavier, yet fit into your clothes better. At the end of the day, how your clothes fit is much more important than random numbers on the scale. If there are times when the scales don’t appear to budge, don’t let it get you down. Instead look at your body shape and how it is changing. During my 8 week Kickstart programme,  I get my ladies to take pictures at the start, during and end of the programme. It is amazing the difference in just 4 weeks. 

Weight can fluctuate massively depending on time of day/ time of month

Sometimes for no apparent reason, the scales don’t move. If you weigh in the morning and then in the evening, you will seem to have put on weight – often up to 4lbs! There is no way you have put on that much in the space of 12 hours. Instead it will be due to a whole range of reasons from water retention and how much you’ve been moving around. So when you do weigh yourself, do it first thing in the morning and roughly at the same time of month. But ultimately, don’t get too caught up on what the scales say!

Weight doesn’t tell you what you are losing

There are far too many ‘miracle diets’ out there which claim anywhere between 7lbs to a stone weight loss in a matter of weeks. Yes, if you go on an extreme diet you will lose weight. However, if you are losing it that quickly, it is unlikely to be fat. Instead it will be water and muscle weight and will leave you feeling pretty terrible. Weight loss is not all equal. Fat loss is what you’re aiming for. And that will only come from burning it off slowly and steadily. Relying on just your scales can be misleading.

What to look for instead:

Hopefully I have convinced you that the scales are not the be all and end all. Use them but don’t obsess over them. Instead think about how you feel and how your clothes fit. When your skin is glowing, you’re full of energy and can wear previously tight clothes with ease, will you care what some little numbers on a scale say? No!

If you’d like to become one of my fabulous ladies and join my 8 week online Kickstart programme, head over to the Kickstart page to find out all the info. Just click here and I’ll whizz you across. We take the emphasis off weight loss and onto feeling fabulous. All day, every day.