
Get back on track- 5 top tips

Get back on track- 5 top tips

I’ve been completely AWOL for a while now and to be honest, I’m struggling to get back on track.

I’ve got excuses…lots of them…but to be honest the biggest reason is I’ve let my usual habits slip. In June I fell pregnant and I was exhausted a lot of the time. The only work I did was the bare essentials…sleep was the main priority.

And then, as I started to come out of that phase, our 13 week scan on the 31st August happened and we found out I had suffered a silent miscarriage. I wrote a blog post about it last week so I won’t talk about it here. All I need to say is that after a couple of very hard weeks, I feel a lot more positive and ready to get back on track.

It’s amazing how quickly habits can become non habits…

Over the last few months, I’ve been feeling so guilty about my lack of posting. But it seems, the more guilt I feel, the harder it is to do anything about it.

And I think this is something that’s similar with lots of things in life, including health and fitness.

Procrastinating and guilt = a seemingly impossible obstacle to overcome.

In overthinking all of this, I’ve realised that I need to start taking my own advice to get back on track.

If you’ve found yourself slipping off course in life recently…whether it’s work, health, housework, whatever…then this might just help too:

1.No more guilt

Now I know this is easier said than done but guilt just makes a hard situation even harder. I’ve felt like I’ve been wading through mud recently and a lot of that is from pressure I’ve been putting on myself.

2.Just start

I put off posting for ages because I had nothing to say! Life was on hold until we had the first scan and then after I just felt too emotional. I wasn’t sure about posting about my miscarriage…it’s a raw and sensitive subject…yet posting about anything else felt insincere and false.

I wrote a Facebook post just after it had happened but couldn’t bring myself to share it. It took a week of deliberation before I went ahead and posted it and I’m so glad I did. The support was unbelievable but even more amazing was the number of women who reached out having been through exactly the same thing.

I always try to be honest and being open about everything has helped me plan a way forwards from this point. I don’t need to be super cheerful and bouncy if I don’t feel like it because that’s not real. And now everyone knows what I’ve been through, I know it’s ok to not be ok.

Most importantly, I’ve made a start. And now I just need to keep going.

3.Structure and routine

I’m better at life when I have a plan to follow. It was something I really struggled with when I became a self employed personal trainer instead of a primary school teacher. Suddenly my days were free for me to organise however I want and no one was checking to see whether I had done the work I was supposed to. For the first year, I felt like I was skiving! The one thing that helped was to write down things I HAD to get done each day. However small, they were on the list.

Ticking things off makes me feel like I’m winning.

And something that gives me structure is working to a routine. For me this is planning and carrying out one of my online programmes. Once I’m immersed in it, I know I’ll be fine and I’ll get back on track. I’m going to launch the next ‘Back to Basics Bootcamp’ on 21st September. Click here for more info. This gives me just under a week to market and get people on board. Nothing like a bit of pressure! As part of this, I’m going to aim to do a quick video every day on my Facebook page designed to get me and you moving!

4.Done not perfect

Part of my mental block has been through starting things and not finishing them because they weren’t perfect. I recorded a few videos recently and never uploaded them because I rewatched and overanalysed. Don’t fall into the same ‘all or nothing trap’.

If you’re waiting for the perfect time to get into shape/ declutter house/ sort out life then you’ll be waiting forever. Don’t aim to be perfect, just aim to get things done. Slip ups, mistakes, etc they’re all part of life and the only thing that really matters is you keep moving forward. Do what you can, when you can and lose the ridiculously high expectations.


This is the BIG one. Yesterday I wrote a quick blog post and a facebook post talking about my 3 plans for the next few weeks:

1. Post a quick exercise challenge every week day on Facebook

2. Set up Back to Basics to start on 21st September

3. Take pics of the little moments that make me happy and fill me with positivity.

Now I’ve put it out there, I WILL get back into the habit and I will get back on track with posting consistently.

If you struggle to implement changes you want to make then do the same. Tell someone what you want to achieve and how you’re going to do it and ask them to hold you to it (in a nice, encouraging way obvs).

Right, that’s it from me for now. But do you know what, getting this post written has made me feel like I’ve actually accomplished something today. It’s a good feeling. What is one thing you could do today to get back on track?

I PROMISE I’ll be writing again this week to remind you about my Back to Basics Bootcamp STARTING NEXT WEEK!

It’s only £20 if you sign up for the early bird discount before Wednesday 16th September. Pop over to my Back to Basics Page to get all the info and see if it’s something that you might fancy. All about feeling good and getting your mojo back. Think of it as a gentle nudge in the right direction! 

Ready to sign up now? Head to the shop and snap up that early bird price. Click here now 🙂