
Why is taking that first step so hard?

Why is taking that first step so hard?

Taking that first step is hard. I completely get it. You want to take action, you decide you’re ready but when it comes down to it, you can’t quite manage it.

If you feel ‘stuck’ like this at the moment, know you aren’t alone.

Getting started is definitely the hardest part of making changes. Knowing what you want to do and actually doing it are two very different things.

Why it happens and what you can do about it?

1.Fear of failure

This is probably the number 1 reason why taking that first step seems impossible. If you’ve tried in the past to get fit and healthy and struggled to keep it up then you’ll have a LOT of negative thoughts swirling around. What’s the point in even trying again?

How to get over it?

You’ve got to step away from the negativity. What has happened in the past will not effect the present unless you let it. Give yourself some time to reflect on what has happened previously. Work out what your main obstacles have been and then focus on finding solutions instead of dwelling on the problem.

For example, if you tend to get so far and then decide it’s just too hard then you need to look at changing what you’re doing. If you try to make a massive overhaul to your lifestyle in one go, it will be hard and at some point, it’ll overwhelm you and you’ll give up. A better way is to think about adding in one small change at a time. Once you’ve got that sorted, add in another and another.

2.Not knowing where to start

Of course, once you’ve got over your fear of failure and you’ve decided to focus on small steps, where on earth do you start?!

There is so much advice out there. And so many conflicting views and opinions that make it very confusing.

How to get over it?

Quite simply, get help. Yes, you could do it alone but if you find you regularly get sucked into rabbit hole of googling weight loss/ fitness then I suggest you go with a fitness/ health professional who knows what they’re doing.

Now, I’m obviously not the only option here (there are a LOT of PTs, etc out there who are fabulous) BUT I understand what you’re going through. Like you, I’ve had struggles with weight in the past and from my 7 years as a personal trainer and nutrition advisor, I know what gets results.

I follow my own advice because it works but also because it’s sustainable. I like chocolate too much to go without it and I love a glass of wine. Life is too short to cut out everything you love – it’s just about finding that balance. My Kickstart programme is testament to that but I know signing up to an 8 week programme is a scary commitment and can make taking that first step too much. This is where Back to Basics comes in. 2 weeks of small, manageable changes with loads of support from me. And it’s only £25!

3.Fear of the unknown

Now, I would imagine at this point, you’ve still got some doubts about actually signing up and taking action. Why? Fear of the unknown. How does it work? What do I get for my £25? Will it work for me? Is it all online? Even when I think I’ve been super clear on what my programmes involve, there are always more questions I haven’t considered. (FYI: a lot of these questions are answered in my Back to Basics- September 2020 Blog post so pop over there if you want more info…or just send me an email and have a chat with me. No question is too silly or too small.)

A lot of the ladies who have signed up are previous clients and quite a few of them have already done ‘back to basics’ at least once. They’ve signed up again because they know they enjoyed it last time and got a lot out of it.

How to get over it?

If you’re someone who hasn’t worked with me before or tried any online programmes, you may be tempted but not quite enough to actually buy. And that’s fine! It takes time to build up a relationship of trust and if you are looking at working with me or any other trainer, don’t rush into the decision.

At the same time, something like my ‘back to basics’ bootcamp could be the perfect introduction. At £25 it is enough money to make you feel like you’ve made a commitment without being a massive investment. It reduces the risk and gives you the chance to see how you find it. Hopefully you’ll love it!

Sign up now and join us. I promise, taking that first step will make you feel good. Just click here to go to my shop 🙂 

If you’re still undecided then that’s not a problem – maybe you’ll join me next time. For now, pop over to my Facebook page and try some of my mini exercise challenges instead 🙂 Just click here and make sure you ‘like’ and ‘follow’ the page so you see everything I post.